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    英文品名 nebivolol hydrochloride
    名称来源 USAN;2005-2006;
    别  名 R067555
    化学表述 [2R*[R*[R*(S*)]]]-α,α'-[iminobis(methylene)]bis[6-fluoro-3,4-dihydro-2H-1-benzopyran-2-methanol] hydrochloride
    CA登记号 152520-56-4
    分 子 式 C22H25F2NO4.HCl
    结 构 式 nebivolol hydrochloride
    品种类别 心血管系统>β受体阻断药;
    ATC 编码 C07AB12;
    参考文献 MI(6459)
    简介 上市(Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V.,美国)。Highly selective b1 antagonist with non-adrenergic vasodilating properties due to the release of nitric oxide from vascular endothelium, studied in the treatment of hypertension, congestive heart failure and other cardiovascular
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